
映画 君たちはどう生きるか [学び]



『君たちはどう生きるか』は「宮崎駿の集大成」?「終始ぽかーん」? 賛否分かれたファンの反応 (


3年前父親を失ったコぺル君は登場せず母親を空襲で失った主人公『眞人』と疎開先で 戦闘機製造工場を営む父親らとのやりとりが中心に描かれている。父親は、眞人の亡き母親の妹と結婚し、妹のお腹には、子供がいるという設定となっていた。詳細は、他の観覧した方に任せるとして、自身が一番、注目したのは、新しい母親となる母親の妹を探し出す過程で、出会う眞人の大叔父が差し出した13個の積み木だった。この13個の積み木は、作者である宮崎駿の作品の数であるとも言われるが、眞人君が大叔父の血縁者として世代間に伝達する考え方を自分のやり方で積み木を積み上げて欲しいという願いが込められ伝えられた。



映画 『君たちはどう生きるか』では、当初、眞人とその家族の存在を脅かすと思われたアオサギに導かれて出会ったインコの集団、ヒトラーや独裁者プーチンを想起させる隊長のように人間を他者を殺傷する『戦(いくさ)』に導くか、自らの幸福を求めながらも人間に幸福をもたらす人生を歩む決断をするか、大叔父の血縁者である眞人自身の『良心』をもって13個の積み木を積み上げて欲しいというメッセージであったと感じた。


君たちはどう生きるか (岩波文庫)

君たちはどう生きるか (岩波文庫)

  • 作者: 吉野 源三郎
  • 出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店
  • 発売日: 1982/11/16
  • メディア: 文庫
「自分で考える」ということ (1963年) (角川文庫)

「自分で考える」ということ (1963年) (角川文庫)

  • 出版社/メーカー:
  • メディア: 文庫

 You have been blessed with the opportunity to appreciate how you live.

 My honest impression is that the plot is very different from Genzaburo Yoshino's original work, and it is necessary to look for deep commonalities in relation to the original work.

 Koperu-kun, who lost his father three years ago, does not appear, and the focus is on the interaction between the main character, Mahito, who lost his mother in an air raid, and his father, who runs a fighter plane manufacturing factory in the evacuation destination.  His father married Mahito's deceased mother's sister, and she was supposed to have a child in her womb.  I will leave the details to other viewers, but what caught my attention the most was the 13 building blocks presented by Mahito's great-uncle, whom he met in the process of searching for his mother's younger sister, who would become a new mother.  It is said that these 13 blocks are the number of the works of the author, Hayao Miyazaki, but there is a wish that Mahito, as a relative of his great-uncle, would like to build up the blocks in his own way, conveying the way of thinking to the generations. It was conveyed and conveyed.

 In the original work by Professor Genzaburo Yoshino, the human relationships at the school Coper attends are also depicted, which is an important element of awareness.  As the son of a tofu shop, he was in a poor situation and was bullied by his friend (Urakawa-kun). Episodes such as not being able to apologize to Mr. Kitami and Mr. Urakawa for his actions, and the guilt he felt when Koper's mother refused to ask an old woman she met on the way with a long flight of stairs to carry her luggage. I remember the words that my uncle told Koper while looking back on his feelings.  Humans have a "conscience".  I remember that the point was that because there is a 'conscience', there is a 'conscience' that judges what is right and what is not, so one feels guilty and is able to choose the right path. 

 As a student, after reading this passage, he fell in love with Cartesian philosophy advocating "bonsens" and Henri Bergson advocating elanbital.  Hisataka Omodaka a doctor and French philosopher, has a memory that greatly shook his mind in his youth.

 In the movie "How do you live?", at first, Mahito and his family were led by a group of parakeets led by a gray heron that threatened the existence of Mahito and his family. Either lead them to a war that kills and injures others, or decide to live a life that brings happiness to humans while seeking their own happiness. I felt that it was a message that I want you to stack the building blocks.

 Mr. Hayao Miyazaki must have continued to create 13 works with Mr. Miyazaki's conscience while facing various dangers.  Similarly, he entrusted Mahito with the wishes of his great-uncle.


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